An Phat Plastic and Green Environment Joint Stock Company (Ticker: AAA) has just announced the results of exercising the right to buy additional shares in AAA’ share offering in April. The investors have registered and paid to buy 82 million shares issued, equivalent to 98.2% of the shares offered. AAA’s BOD also announced plans to distribute shares not yet fully sold. Thus, AAA has successfully raised VND1,170 billion in stock market for expanding business activities in coming periods.

Thanks to this share offering, AAA has raised its market capitalization to nearly VND3,300 billion (equivalent to nearly USD150 million), which enables AAA to meet the requirements to be in the portfolio of stocks that foreign ETF funds invest in Vietnam. Recently, there have been numerous foreign investors who are interested in AAA and have increased their ownership in AAA. The current room for foreign ownership in AAA is estimated at over 25%, which surely is a factor attracting investment flows from outside Vietnam and interested in AAA.

Due to its core business of exporting of mono layer packaging for large suppliers in Europe, Japan, US,…AAA has not had much opportunity to promote its image to the global financial market. In order to enhance AAA’s position as the largest mono-layer packaging manufacturer in Southeast Asia and introduce the opportunity to invest in AAA to foreign investors, recently AAA has attended various investor forums for emerging and frontier markets in Dubai, Bangkok and the latest in Colombo, Sri Lanka. In Colombo, AAA participated in private meeting with 12 investment funds from EU, UK and Japan… namely FundSmith (EUR 14 billion), Lazard Asset Management (USD 226.1 billion), Nordea (EUR 216.5 billion) ), Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management ($ 102 billion), … to help investors better understand AAA’s business strategy as well as growth potential.

Not only does AAA seek for new potential foreign investors, it also takes into account the benefits of existing shareholders by maintaining favorable cash dividend policy. Despite continuous increase in capital expenditure for business expansion (operating the No.6 Factory in 2016, the No.7 Factory in 2017 and No.8 and No.9 Factory later), AAA has strived to maintain a cash dividend of VND2,000 per share and produce an attractive dividend yield of over 10% per share.

Targeting maximizing shareholders’ benefits, the company has accomplished its every ambitious plan since listed. In 2018, AAA aims to reach consolidated sales of VND6,000 billion and consolidated net profit of VND330 billion. AAA’s  General Director, Mr. Nguyen Le Trung, was confident in AAA’s ability to complete the business plan in 2018 and ensure the cash dividend payment as planned by the 2018 General Meeting of Shareholders. The core business of mono-layer packaging for AAA continued to show strong growth in the first quarter of 2018, with sales up 40% yoy and stable gross profit margin.

Starting as a VND500 million company, after only 15 years under the leadership of three founders namely Mr. Pham Anh Duong, Mr. Nguyen Le Trung and Mr. Pham Hoang Viet, AAA has made impressive growth with total assets of nearly VND5,000 billion for the time being. Also, AAA is one of the few private enterprises that contribute significantly to Vietnam’s export activities, provide foreign exchange inflow, generate stable employment for more than 2,000 employees and provide income for the local government. Not to be overwhelmed by its achievements, AAA has set an ambitious goal of $1 billion of sales by 2025 through expanding business activities to higher value-added and environmentally friendly products, making AAA the largest eco-friendly plastic manufacturer in Vietnam and the region.


Let’s unveil the little mystery behind the oh-so common item that we all consuming every day without ever wonder for a split second of what my biodegradable trash bag made of and what differences does it make for our planet?

Biodegradable trash bag story

An Phat Biodegradable bag

Taking garbage to the dump, have you ever rolled your eyes over what printed on your let say your kitchen trash bags roll label, you may have noticed abundance of name tags appearing over the last few years such as biodegradable trash bag, ecofriendly trash bag or environmentally friendly trash bag,

Let’s unveil the little mystery behind the oh-so common item that we all consuming every day without ever wonder for a split second of what my biodegradable trash bag made of and what differences does it make for our planet?

Ubiquitously found around us, which has become a seemingly essential part of our daily life, biodegradable trash bag is made from similar petrochemical-based materials to conventional plastic, only with compounds added that cause them to disintegrate slowly but surely.

To break it down even more, biodegradable trash bag is decomposed gradually by bacteria, fungus or various other living organisms. In other simplified word, just leave it be, after a while, but not so out of the blue, our tiny little friends from mother earth will make that biodegradable trash bags vanish ashes-to-ashes, dust-to-dust style, how convenience!
The question now, for how long?
Normally, it takes around three to six months for our so called microscopic comrades to chew out the biodegradable trash bag. However, the period of breaking down depends on several other criteria, namely temperature and the amount of moisture present. So all in all, biodegradable trash bag will not last for very long under the gently harsh invasion of nature since it was made vulnerable in a good way.

That sounds good for our beloved globe, but is the quality of the biodegradable trash bag coming unharmed?

An Phat compostable bag

Certainly, that is a resounding yes. Because only a small portion of compound that is ever needed from trash bag manufacturer to make the product stays true to its tittle, and moreover, biodegradable trash bag will only start to cease to exist notably only under the exposure to said factors, it is guaranteed that there would be none unwanted deformity or shortage in quality of our eco-friendly trash bag during usage time.

To sum it up, biodegradable trash bag would provide daily use without any concern for consumers as well as leaving no carbon footprint treating properly after use, therefore it has become a not so new but inevitable trend for packaging worldwide.

An Phat Plastic proudly supply biodegradable bags with the largest capacity in ASIA (According to unofficial data from BASF). Contact us here to learn more 



Plastic bags or paper bags?

People are looking forward to a more sustainable life in the future, which is the reason why eco-friendly products are being promoted widely.

In the past, we are used to taking plastic bag to carry daily common goods. But at present, paper bags completely made from wood starch have gradually appeared and replaced plastic bags in consumers’ behaviour. So, if paper packaging comes to the throne, will plastic bag market (whose price is rising everyday) have reduced its “heat”?

As we all know, if plastic bag plays an essential role in carrying lightweight goods over short distances, paper packaging including paper cartons, paper bags also has the same function. But not only that, they are also used to contain goods from one place to another in the long run without damaging the products.

However, in comparison with the high cost of paper bags, plastic bags are much cheaper and while paper packaging is quite bulky, plastic one is packed in the palm. Above all, the habit of using cheap plastic bags etched in our minds of each person so changing it is an extremely difficult thing. This has made the plastic bag market remain stable when paper bags is gradually coming to a throne.

A miracle appears named Biodegradable Bags

Thanks to the invention of biodegradable bags – the best solution for environment, the world is saved from pollution which all government as well as everyone care for. In a time of such tense situation, the advent of biodegradable plastic is a miracle.

Biodegradable plastic bags are made from organic material (corn starch, wheat flour) under the action of microorganisms, packaging will be transformed into simple organic substances, soluble or biodegradable into carbon dioxide and water which do not cause any pollution or any threats to environments. Manufacturers can release compostable bags to suit for policies and legislations’ requirement of many countries all over the world.

Not every producers can create exact types of bio-degradable products which are high-quality and can meet suppliers’ expectation as well as satisfy picky plastic industry leaders.

But it just happened a problem. Many countries in Asia refuse to use this kind of bags as its price is too high, approximately 3-5 times compared to normal kinds of plastic bags. It may take a long time for everyone be aware of biodegradable bags’ impact on our daily life.

AN PHAT PLASTIC is a manufacturer/dealer of plastic bag in Asia. See more about our products here


READ IT IF YOU WANT YOUR BUSINESS EXIST IN PLASTIC INDUSTRY! Recently, biodegradable bags become the tendency of the world for saving environment purpose. As a result, biodegradable bag suppliers will prevail in plastic industry. Here are some necessary information for plastic bags suppliers/ manufacturers in general and biodegradable bag suppliers in particular that we need to know if we want to exist in this plastic industry.

Many cities in India restrict or prohibit plastic bags completely and just allow to use biodegradable bags instead which has been fully supported by environmentalists. However, it can’t be denied the fact that not everyone benefits from this initiative. Customers are not only anxious of using plastic bags in supermarkets, stores, etc, as they have to pay a great deal of money for each plastic bag, they also often forget to bring their own bags to hold things they buy. However, we cannot deny the convenience of plastic bags (especially biodegradable bags).

According to the Ministry of Finance, many countries around the world are imposing heavy environment taxes on plastic bags, such as the UK or Ireland, with the tax of 15 cents per bag (equivalent to 4,500 VND per bag); Hong Kong $ 0.05 / bag (equivalent to 1,050 VND / bag), Estonia plans to impose tax by 2 cents per bag (equivalent to 3,000 VND / bag), in Spain 5-50 cents / bag. Others prohibit manufacturing, selling and using of thin plastic bags, such as China prohibits plastic bags with thickness less than 0.025 milliliters, or Spain bans producing bags with thick films of less than 50 microns, impose tax by 5-10 cent for biodegradable bags (this is a big barrier for biodegradable bag suppliers).

In Viet Nam, the environment tax applied to plastic bags is 40,000 VND per kilogram, equivalent to 200-400 VND per bag (each kilogram may be equivalent to 100-200 bags), but biodegradable bag suppliers don’t sell this kind of product in Viet Nam because of extremely expensive price as well as Vietnamese consumer behaviour.

The Ministry of Finance said that the tax is at a very low level compared to other countries, and has not had a major impact on the restriction of plastic bags production and use. Therefore, the ministry proposed to adjust the environment tax for plastic bags to 40,000-200,000 VND / kg (the minimum level is equal to the current tax, the maximum is four times the maximum level in the current tariff structure).

According to environmental experts, the imposition of environment tax on plastic bags at the rate of 40,000 VND / kg has not yet significantly impacted the green consumer behaviour, the consumption of plastic bags on the market accounts for 80%.

According to the Vietnam Plastics Association, since the government imposes environment tax on plastic bags, we just has about 30 new enterprises filing to be recognized as environmentally friendly bag manufacturers (surely including biodegradable bag suppliers) , accounting for 20% market share, although there are nearly 400 units of plastic bags production. The association also noted that most establishments do not participate in the production chain of biodegradable plastic bags because of their small business size and low revenue while the procedure of applying for environmentally friendly packaging certificate is not easy and very costly.

AN PHAT PLASTIC is a manufacturer/dealer of plastic bag in Asia. See more about our products click HERE

An Phat Plastic (AAA): Visiting and giving gifts to families of employees with difficult circumstances

The delegation visited and gave gifts to 10 employees’ families with difficult circumstances, a total value of over VND 100 million was extracted from “An Phat Charity Fund”.
The gifts are small but show the attention and care of B.O.D, Factory Managers to the families in need, encouraging them to work with dedication.
When paying visits to those families, Mr. Pham Hoang Viet – Permanent Deputy General Director, Mr. Chu Duong Xuan Ty – Secretary of the Company’s Party Committee, together with factory representatives, graciously paid attention to their health and daily life, sharing sympathy with their difficulties and hoping that they would gradually overcome difficulties to have a better life.

An Phat Plastic (AAA): Joining hands to support victims of Agent Orange / Dioxin in Hai Duong province

It is estimated that, in Vietnam, about 4.8 million Vietnamese people have been infected with Agent Orange / Dioxin. Hundreds of thousands them have died; millions of them and their descendants are living in disease and poverty due to Agent Orange.
With the donation of VND 10,000,000 to the Agent Orange / Dioxin victims, B.O.D hope that this will be the most practical action contributing to improving their quality of life, helping them gradually get rid of deprivation, as well as enhancing their spiritual life.
Mr. Duong Xuan Ty – Party Committee Secretary of An Phat Plastic gave an amount of VND 10,000,000 to victims of Agent Orange / Dioxin in Hai Duong province.
In recent years, besides production and business boosting activities, striving to become the largest thin-film packaging producer in Southeast Asia, An Phat Plastic has always focused on implementing Corporate Social Responsibility activities. Specifically, the company has established An Phat Charity Fund with the purpose of assisting families and individuals in need, especially helping those with contribution to the country and victims of war. An Phat Plastic hopes to carry out more CSR activities both locally and nationally, to develop a prosperous country.