Outlook 2021: Europe PE and PP tightness to ease on new supply

2020 is not ending as many expected in the European polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) markets, and sentiment has changed significantly in the last few weeks.

2020 was expected to be a poor year, as imports of ethane-based PE, mainly from the USA, were expected to arrive in greater supply.

In fact, there was an increase in PE and PP packaging, caused by strong buying as the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic sent buyers rushing to the shops.

Other industries were shut down, such as automotive, where 10-11% of PP is used.

By the second half of the year most applications were returning to normal. Automotive has fared better than expected, and packaging is back to normal levels. Those involved in health and hygiene have remained good throughout.

The appliances sector also has recovered beyond expectations in H2 2020, including both small and large appliances.

By the end of the year, a slowdown in polyolefin buying is the norm, with the odd special deal thrown in to boost sellers’ volumes, but this has not been the case in 2020.

Low prices in Europe, both for PE and PP, have meant that exports became a strong feature of the fourth quarter of 2020, leading to a tight market, particularly in the PP sector. Hurricane Laura prevented US imports, which added to the tightness, generating export opportunities to Latin America, among other destinations.

Rather than December being a slow month peppered by offers of cut-price material, prices of both PE and PP have jumped, particularly for low density polyethylene (LDPE) and PP.

The spread between the ethylene contract and PE has widened in 2020, from a very low base in 2019.

Not only are prices rising amid tight supply, but some producers are already warning buyers that the upward trend could well continue into January.

The recent price hikes in Europe are shortening the gap with Asian prices after months of European stagnation, while corresponding prices in China were driven by stellar domestic demand, especially since mid-Q3 2020.

Buyers argue that December and January are short months. There may yet be time for some of the production issues contributing to the tightness to go back to normal, easing the short supply.

Imports are not expected to resume until well into the first quarter, according to many sources, however, and this will affect the market.

When fresh imports are expected to reach Europe, from late January 2021, domestic demand in China will decelerate ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday period. This will probably help to realign prices in the regions, according to ICIS analytics.

Annual contracts for 2021 are under discussion at this time of year, and while the current tightness favours sellers, the second half of 2021 is not expected to remain as strong, so some pragmatism is entering the debate. Contracts are by no means all done, but several buyers said they have managed to achieve discounts of a couple of percentage points over 2020 for PP.

PE is expected to be more readily available, as global supply increases.

In terms of PE demand, ICIS analytics expects a slow but constant recovery during 2021, accompanied by expectations of improved economic conditions in Europe and globally. However, the PE market in 2021 could face a strong supply increase as effective PE capacity globally is expected to increase by 6.5% in 2021 versus 2020. This is likely to lengthen the 2021 supply and demand balance.

Effective global high density polyethylene (HDPE) capacity, in particular, is expected to increase by more than 8% year on year in 2021, while global linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) and LDPE capacities are expected to increase by 7% and 3% respectively, in the same period.

PP supply will increase considerably in 2021 and especially in Asia, where 7.7m tonnes/year of new capacity will be brought onstream, corresponding to 10% of the PP volume processed globally in 2020. The effect on pricing is expected to be felt on the markets especially in the second half of the year.

The global ethylene market should show signs of improvement throughout 2021, according to ICIS analytics, on the assumption that the worst of the coronavirus pandemic impact will be over. Uncertainty over economic growth and distribution of coronavirus vaccines, as well as their effectiveness, might significantly weigh on supply and demand fundamentals. European ethylene is expected to remain long as supply increases.

Globally, propylene demand should increase at a higher average annual growth rate than GDP in 2021, but much depends on how global economies fare.

PP supply will also increase and no tightness is expected, although PP is not expected to see the same oversupply as PE.

Ultimately demand in Asia, and more particularly China, will have a significant impact on both PE and PP trends in Europe in 2021.

Tổng công suất bổ sung theo kế hoạch 2019 - 2025
Total planned capacity additions in 2019 – 25
Công suất PP bổ sung vượt quá nhu cầu tăng trưởng trong thời gian ngắn
PP capacity additions exceed demand growth in the short-term
Những điều chỉnh về công suất PE trên thế giới
PE – Major world announced capacity changes 2021
Nguồn cung cấp PP mới 2021
PP – World Annouced New Capacities (2021)

Source: ICIS

An Phat Holdings to further support Hai Duong in the fight against Covid-19 with VND 10 billion

On February 17, 2021, at the headquarters of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Hai Duong province, the representative of the Board of Directors of An Phat Holdings (APH) directly handed over VND 10 billion (~$425,000) in cash to the representatives of Hai Duong province to join hands and support Covid-19 prevention efforts in the province.

Earlier, at the beginning of February 2021, when Hai Duong detected many Covid-19-SARS-CoV-2 cases, An Phat Holdings donated 100 televisions and 40 tons of essential goods worth VND 1.35 billion (~$57,000) to the Committee for Covid-19 Prevention in Hai Duong province. With 2 times of support worth VND 11.35 billion (~$482,000), An Phat Holdings hopes to make a great contribution to join hands with the government and people of Hai Duong province to fight against Covid-19.

At the headquarters of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Hai Duong province, the representative of the Board of Directors of An Phat Holdings, Mr. Pham Van Tuan – Acting Deputy CEO of the Group directly handed over VND 10 billion (~$425,000) to the representative of Hai Duong. Hai Duong Province’s Leaders received donation from An Phat Holdings and expressed appreciation to the Board of Directors and employees of the Group.

Ông Lê Văn Cần - Phó Chủ tịch UB MTTQ Việt Nam tỉnh Hải Dương (thứ 3 bên trái) nhận 10 tỷ đồng hỗ trợ từ đại diện Tập đoàn APH, ông Phạm Văn Tuấn - Q. Phó Tổng Giám đốc Tập đoàn (thứ 3 bên phải)
Hai Duong Province’s Leader received VND 10 billion (~$425,000) support from representative of An Phat Holdings, Mr. Pham Van Tuan – Acting Deputy CEO (3rd from the right)
Ông Nguyễn Dương Thái - Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Hải Dương (thứ 3 bên trái) gửi lời cảm ơn sự hỗ trợ của Tập đoàn An Phát Holdings
Hai Duong Province’s Leader expressed appreciation for the support of An Phat Holdings

According to current situation, Hai Duong has become an epicenter of the country with 5 major outbreaks areas: Hai Duong City, Chi Linh, Cam Giang, Kinh Mon and Nam Sach. As one of the largest enterprises in Hai Duong, An Phat Holdings quickly call member companies to support Hai Duong to fight the epidemic.

On behalf of An Phat Holdings, Mr. Pham Van Tuan – Acting Deputy CEO shared: “We hope that the support from An Phat Holdings will be timely and able to help the Hai Duong government quickly respond, successfully controlled and stamp out the Covid-19. With the responsibility of an enterprise, we are willing to contribute human and material resources to help Hai Duong overcome this difficult period”.

Along with the community support, An Phat Holdings is actively coordinating with the local authorities to strictly implement prevention measures, ensuring safety for workers returning to work, maintaining production and business activities of the Group during the first quarter of 2021. Up to now, APH and 15 member companies have not appeared positive cases, An Phat Holdings is still absolutely safe.

Previously, in early 2020, An Phat Holdings also donated compostable products to 300 residents and soldiers on quarantine duty in Truc Bach area (Hanoi) and donated 5,000 medical masks and hand sanitizers to Vietnam Embassy in the United States.

MARKET OVERVIEW: Updated to Q2 2020


China’s domestic PE production increased in Q2, as downstream operations have largely resumed. Some units were shut for planned maintenance in Q2, but new capacities were brought online. Regional southeast Asia supply was slightly reduced initially on turnarounds and unscheduled outages. But margins remained tight, with some producers running at reduced rates due to lockdowns. From around mid-Q2, restrictions were eased and production rates increased but supply – especially from overseas suppliers – remained tight.

China’s Q2 domestic demand improved, as downstream factories resumed operations. Packaging, agricultural film and pipe demand increased due to the government’s economic stimulus, but export orders decreased amid the pandemic. Demand across southeast Asia almost completely dried up through the initial weeks of Q2 due to the coronavirus. Around mid-Q2, demand began to recover. Towards late Q2, some order backlogs and higher offers pushed prices up but converters became very resistant to price hikes.

Updated to Q1 2020


Although some local producers choose to cut their operating rates, the output losses were limited. New capacity from Zhejiang petrochemical and Hengli Petrochemical was released in February.

Resumption of work in China gradually recovered in March, but the global economic recession weighed on the market sentiment.

Updated to Q2 2020


Q2 PE supply was tight in some areas as demand soared for packaging grades. Supply was more important than price for many in the early days of the coronavirus and strong demand kept supply tight in March and April. Food and hygiene grade demand left supply tight and logistical difficulties added to supply issues. By May, most of these issues had eased, moving to a balanced market, although suppliers managed to improve margins.

PE demand in Q2 was very strong, up to 100% stronger than in 2019 in many cases, as packaging demand soared on consumer panic buying in what some called the ‘toilet-roll’ effect. April month-on-month demand was up by as much as 200%, but by the end of the quarter packaging demand was at 2019 levels or slightly below. By June, demand slowed as stocks had built up buying decreased.


US PE supplies remained sufficient to meet demand during the second quarter, although the closing weeks of the quarter saw persistent tightness in prompt material as producers trimmed operating rates in April anticipating that demand would decline by a larger amount than was actually observed. Two new LDPE plants from Formosa and Sasol were delayed from planned Q2 start-ups to planned Q3 start-ups.

US PE demand remained flat to higher during Q2, defying expectations and bucking the generally bearish macroeconomic trend that saw many petrochemical products suffer significant losses in consumption. Heavy exposure to the packaging sector and consumer non-durables helped keep PE demand levels up while favourable economics allowed US producers to continue to ramp up export sales.


Supply levels fluctuated through Q2, the spread of the coronavirus changing the dynamics of global markets week by week. Producers cut production, as they reduced the number of workers in their plants. Availability increased later, as sellers from all over the world searched desperately for any location to sell their products. As lockdown measures were eased towards the end of Q2, supply levels were strained.

Demand took a major hit as the coronavirus began to spread across the continent. Lockdown measures were enforced, and these varied greatly. Total lockdown was enforced in some, while others introduced no measures. The largest economies introduced a night-time curfew, meaning that many workers could maintain their jobs. Social distancing measures reduced hours for many, and some converters shut their plants for a week or two to re-organise their facilities to accommodate this.


Availability was significantly affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The Turkey/Iran border was opened to material brought by rail car, although freight costs were very high. The border was then later opened to a limited amount of trucks before being fully opened after Eid ul-Fitr. As markets began closing worldwide, Turkey attracted many offers from around the globe as many sellers looked to offload material. Availability then dropped as suppliers looked to China.

Many converters shut or reduced their operations in June as both the domestic and export markets were decimated by lockdown measures. Food packaging, detergent bottles and protective equipment were the exceptions, but even those markets saw falls in demand from expected rates. From this point, demand has remained largely flat until expected price rises brought some players back to the market at the end of Q2.

Middle East

Early Q2 supply was higher than Q1, following the completion of maintenance at some producer units. The pandemic spread within the region prompted lockdowns in Saudi Arabia by mid-Q2. A spike in cases caused production woes and logistical challenges, hampering regional supply. Crude production cuts also affected ethane supply and hence ethylene and PE availability. Greater allocations to Asia amid recovering demand and higher netbacks also cut regional supply late in the quarter.

Early Q2 demand weakened as regional countries imposed lockdowns and restrictions in their attempts to curb the pandemic spread. Demand for consumer and household products and other non-essential goods plunged, although groceries, foods, and medication continued to be sought. A slowdown during Ramadan and the Eid holiday curtailed uptake in late April and May. Demand recovery in June stayed gradual following a continued rise in cases, even as countries lifted lockdowns to spur economic activity.

Latin America

Q2 supply was lower on reduced operating rates and idled plants amid quarantine measures in the region. Braskem’s ethylene production was reduced to 65%, while Dow idled several plants and Mexico continues to produce at lower rates. While LDPE remains the tightest grade, supply remains sufficient for all grades. Import offers from other regions at were competitive prices but recent currency volatility, tariffs and longer delivery times limited interest.

Q2 demand for PE film grades related to food and medicine packaging continued at normal or slightly reduced levels. Shutdowns and coronavirus demand erosion for construction, automotive and appliances significantly lowered demand, especially for HDPE. The pandemic led to a generalised slowdown in business activity and countries in the region are facing heightened recession risks, while Argentina is negotiating with creditors to avoid default.

US-China trade war concerns hit Asian polymer market

The Asia-Pacific polymer market is turning bearish because of an escalation in the US-China trade war, which could lead to higher tariffs being imposed on many chemical products as soon as tomorrow.

The US Trade Representative (USTR) said yesterday it will increase tariffs on $200bn/yr of Chinese imports — including many polymers, aromatics and olefin products — to 25pc from 10pc, effective tomorrow. China may retaliate with similar tariffs.

The announcement came after a sudden deterioration in trade talks between the US and China this week, as US President Donald Trump accused Beijing of attempting to renegotiate a draft deal.

Geopolitics are weighing heavily on decisions of key buyers, trading firms and producers in southeast Asia and India.

Indian and southeast Asian buyers typically track the key China spot and Dalian futures market for price direction. Spot prices for polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) have largely weakened by around $20-30/t from the previous week.

The polypropylene (PP) market in southeast Asia is starting to turn after a couple of weeks on a bullish run. Offers for PP in southeast Asia were last heard around $1,180/t cfr, down by around $20/t from last week, with buying ideas at $1,150-1,160/t.

In India, buying appetite for PP and linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) film is weak because of the market uncertainty.

Domestic producers in India had earlier announced price protection measures and reduced domestic polymer prices in an attempt to boost demand.

Indian buyers remain cautious and are not ordering large volumes of spot material for now until the price direction becomes clearer.

The poor fundamentals in India mean Middle East producers have not offered much supply to the country as they opt for markets with better netbacks.

Tomorrow’s threatened increase in the tariff rate to 25pc was previously delayed from March, after Trump expressed satisfaction with the progress of US-China trade talks.

The US imposed the 10pc tariff in September last year. Chemicals covered by the tariffs include benzene, toluene, mixed xylenes, paraxylene, orthoxylene, ethylene, propylene, butadiene, isoprene, methanol, MTBE, chlorine, caustic soda, polypropylene, polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride.

China’s finance ministry imposed retaliatory tariffs of 5-10pc on products including ethylene and polyethylene glycol, styrene-butadiene-rubber, ketones, styrene polymers, PET chips and plasticizers.

An Phat Holdings assures safety & quality in the prevention of COVID-19 outbreak

The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has appeared since the end of 2019, and kept a huge outbreak in early 2020, which has caused a negative impact on Vietnam and many other countries’ economy and social life.

Known as the leading enterprise in the field of manufacturing high-tech and environmentally friendly plastics in Southeast Asia, An Phat Holdings currently has 15 subsidiaries, more than 5,000 employees and factories, and offices throughout Vietnam such as Hanoi, Hai Duong, Hung Yen, Yen Bai, Ho Chi Minh City, Long An, etc. At the same time, An Phat Holdings products are exported to more than 60 countries and regions over the world.

Therefore, the safety assurance of products and workers is An Phat Holdings’ top priority in the complicated situation of the Covid-19 outbreak.

With the motto of “Safety for production and products”, accordingly, An Phat Holdings has maintained a drastic and serious attitude against Covid-19 disease from its headquarters, offices to factories.

From the end of December 2019 to January 2020 when the disease broke out in China and increased the risk in Vietnam, An Phat Holdings established a number of disease prevention committees in all subsidiaries, branches, representative offices, factories, etc., to quickly respond to the Covid-19 related situations

Preventive measures have been strictly implemented by all employees such as: Requiring all employees to wear masks, wash, disinfect their hands, and measure their daily temperature; propagating and timely updating the latest information about on the COVID-19 disease; strictly controlling business trips of all staff, and corporate activities, etc.

Particularly, for the production segment, An Phat Holdings considers this as the focus needing the highest level of attention. In addition to the general measures, An Phat Holdings has applied some other methods like: Ensure the standard distance of minimum 2m2 for workers at factories; Measure temperature for all employees and require all of them to sanitize their hands before and after the shift meals, etc.

With all the preventive measures applied strictly and thoroughly, An Phat Holdings hopes that there will not be any infected cases or suspected cases of within the organization.

Let’s watch the following video clip to further understand An Phat Holdings’ preventive measures to the Covid-19 disease.


On 17 Mar 2020, An Phat Holdings and its employees are present at the People’s Committee of Truc Bach Ward (Hanoi) to give thousands of AnEco compostable paper cups to 300 residents and workers on duty in the isolation area of Truc Bach. This is a significant activity of An Phat Holdings in general and AnEco compostable brand in particular in an effort to join hands with the public to prevent and control Covid-19 disease. Through this, An Phat Holdings wishes to go along with people in the community to get rid of the corona virus by using a paper cup daily.

AnEco compostable paper cups of An Phat Holdings have obtained some international leading quality and safety standards such as Din-certo of Germany (for the production of bio compostable materials), SGS of Switzerland (for safety and health standards), OK Compost of Austria (for environmental friendliness).

After this activity, An Phat Holdings and AnEco brand also plan to sponsor disposable products for other isolated residential areas to spread a spirit of sharing and caring within the community, going together against Covid-19.

On behalf of Truc Bach Ward People’s Committee, Mr. Hoang Duc Thang – Secretary of Truc Bach Ward Party Committee expressed his sincere thanks to Board of Directors and An Phat Holdings’ community for their care and attention to residents and workers on duty in the isolation area on Truc Bach Street.

In addition to business activities, AnEco has enthusiastically responded to, organized and participated in a number of activities to propagate the green lifestyle as well as environment protection across Vietnam, some activities like joining hands in clearing Vung Tau beach, taking part in the campaigns for a green – clean – beautiful environment in Hai Duong, Earth Day Compostable, for a cleaner Hoi An, challenges to change, etc.

An Phat Holdings sets sights on North America

By entering into co-operation with US partners Ford Motors, US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), and The Asia Group, An Phat Holdings expects to accelerate its expansion to the North America market.

On March 3, An Phat Holdings held a working session with Ford Motors, Samsung, DFC, and The Asia Group to discuss co-operation strategies. Especially, it discussed with The Asia Group about developing biodegradable products in the North America market.

The US is considered one of the key markets of the group, which accounts for 10 per cent of the revenue of its packaging segment. In early 2019, An Phat Bioplastics, a member company of An Phat Holdings, announced plans to invest in the construction of an environmentally friendly bag manufacturing factory in the United States in order to meet the increasing demand for this kind of product in the next five years.

At present, the group is one of the few manufacturers who hold technologies and copyrights in this segment. Furthermore, the US government’s incentives for environmentally friendly products are head and shoulders above other countries, which will set the group up for success in the North America market, especially the US.

Pham Anh Duong, chairman of An Phat Holdings, said, “The group established a co-operative relationship with Samsung and has the same manufacturing area as Ford (the manufacturing facilities of both groups are located in Hai Duong province). We expect that the co-operation will continue outside Vietnam.”

In recent years, the group has increased investment in the supporting industry, high-tech sectors, while simultaneously increasing the localisation ratio of its products. It is currently a vendor of Samsung and provides components for automobiles and motorcycles.

In Hai Duong, An Phat Holdings is a leader in the project to develop local supporting industries implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Hai Duong People’s Committee, and Samsung Vietnam.

In addition, the group is a leading industrial real estate developer in Hai Duong. Accordingly, An Phat Complex is not only a production base but also a manufacturing facility for large foreign groups. After two years in operation, the occupancy rate reached 65 per cent and is expected to reach 100 per cent by the end of this year.

Furthermore, the group plans to invest in another industrial zone in Hai Duong named An Binh-Quoc Tuan. The construction of the first phase will be implemented on an area of 180 hectares and is expected to finish by the end of the year.

The group develops green, high-tech industrial parks that offer full utilities to lure in foreign investors, including the wave of US investors relocating to Hai Duong.

Source: VIR Online

An Phat Complex rescued 5 tons of watermelons

On February 17, 2020, employees of An Phat Complex (a subsidiary of An Phat Bioplastics) joined hands to rescue 5 tons of watermelons to support farmers in Gia Lai province. Due to the outbreak of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), a large number of markets adjacent to China have come to a halt, leading to a huge backlog of fruits such as watermelons, dragon fruits, durians, etc.

An Phat Complex and An Phat Bioplastics hopes that this campaign will not only help farmers relieve their anxiety, partly offset their production costs, but also spread a spirit of solidarity and sharing to other enterprises, organizations, and individuals within the community, together join hands to support Vietnamese farmers in the time of COVID-19 disease outbreak.

Some photos of An Phat Complex’s employees on this day:

An Phat Holdings pioneers in the development of the localization and high technology in Hai Duong Province

On February 4th, at Hai Duong city, the Initiation Conference – Consulting Assistance Program For Supporting Industry Enterprises is organized by Hai Duong People’s Committee, Ministry of Industry and Trade and Samsung Vietnam. The conference includes the signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding among Hai Duong People’s Committee, Ministry of Industry and Trade and Samsung Vietnam Company on the consultancy program for Hai Duong enterprises in the supporting industry. Member of Politburo, Deputy Prime Minister, Vuong Dinh Hue witnesses and directs the Conference.

The conference is a vitally important event, contributing to the realization of Government’s Resolution no. 50 in the development of the supporting sector, especially the improvement of the localization and high technology. This is the first time a consultancy program on supporting industry development has been separately organized for one province only, with the participation of three parties, Government – Locality – Enterprise, and Hai Duong is the first selected province. The event will be a strong boost for the growth of Hai Duong’s supporting sector, in the meantime, enterprises within the province will have more business opportunities as well as strengthening their ability to join the global supply chain.

Among the country’s industrial zones, Hai Duong has a developed supporting sector, with great potential, containing favorable factors of infrastructure and resources. In recent years, the growth target in the direction of high technology and increase in the localization rate is one of the provincial government’s leading factors in the development of supporting industry, in cooperation with Samsung Vietnam. In particular, the province has a large number of Vietnamese enterprises that have participated in the supply chains of global corporations, etc. These advantages have contributed to Hai Duong being selected as the first province nationally to deploy the Consultancy Program for the supporting industry.

Among many enterprises in the province, An Phat Holdings (APH) is honored to be trusted by Government, People’s Committee of Hai Duong Province and Samsung Vietnam to be the key member contributing to the development of the supporting industry.

With more than 20 years of experience, APH is now the province’s leading enterprise in developing high technology, increasing the localization rate, especially enhancing the long-term cooperation with large multinational corporations such as Samsung, Honda, Toyota, Yamaha, Panasonic, etc. Particularly, APH has officially become a second-tier vendor of Samsung – the largest mobile phone manufacturing group worldwide from March 2019, in the meantime, APH is implementing investment activities, making systematical improvements in order to become the first-tier vendor of Samsung in the near future. Besides Samsung, APH has been trusted by many other FDI enterprises to produce products with high technological value and gray matter, contributing to the creation of globally famous cars, motorcycles or phones, machines, etc.

The long-term goals of APH are to increase the localization rate of products, develop high technology products, expand investment, and enhance its position in the global supply chain. In addition, APH continuously strengthens its production system, raises labor productivity, standardizes the quality management system according to the most stringent standards worldwide such as ISO 9000, 90001, 14001 and APH is aiming at to IATF16949 standard in the coming time.

From the outstanding experience and achievements, Mr. Dinh Xuan Cuong – Vice Chairman, CEO of APH was honored to be on behalf of hundreds of provincial businesses to deliver the speech and share at the Conference. APH Vice Chairman, CEO said that he would focus on accelerating the localization process, technology transfer and production ownership:

“In the context of localization, we have been and will continue to strive to increase the quantity of Vietnamese gray matter in producing components of phones, automobiles, motorcycles, printers and washing machines, etc, which requires a thorough and comprehensive investment in the capital, technology and manpower.

Regarding technology, we are proud to be the leading enterprise in modernizing the production in the province. We have continuously applied the modernized and cutting-edge facility system to increase the productivity and product quality. In fact, our production lines of molds, mobile phone components, printers, etc, in Hai Duong province always meet the international standards.”

Currently, APH is considered as a dominant high-tech enterprise in Hai Duong province with the most advanced factory system and equipment. In the field of supporting industry, APH has two enterprises in Hai Duong province, which are An Trung Industries & Vietnam Pattern Manufacture and Precision Mechanical Company Limited (VMC), focusing on the production of electrical and electronic components and molds. APH is currently a second-tier vendor of Samsung and also directly participates in Samsung and Ministry of Industry and Trade’s innovative consultancy program.

Besides two companies in Hai Duong, APH has another member company, Hanoi Plastics Joint Stock Company, based in Long Bien, Hanoi, specializing in supplying components and spare parts for the automobile-motorbike industry, with global potential customers like Honda, Toyota, Piaggio, LG Electronics, etc.

Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Vuong Dinh Hue delivers a speech at the conference
Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Vuong Dinh Hue delivers a speech at the conference
Mr. Tran Tuan Anh, Minister of Ministry of Industry and Trade
Mr. Tran Tuan Anh, Minister of Ministry of Industry and Trade
Mr. Nguyen Manh Hien, Hai Duong Provincial Communist Party Secretary
Mr. Nguyen Manh Hien, Hai Duong Province’s leader
Vice Chairman, CEO of APH, Mr. Dinh Xuan Cuong makes a speech
Vice Chairman, CEO of APH, Mr. Dinh Xuan Cuong makes a speech
Mr. Choi Joo Ho, President of Samsung Vietnam
Mr. Choi Joo Ho, President of Samsung Vietnam
Mr. Tran Tuan Anh, Minister of Ministry of Industry and Trade, Mr. Choi Joo Ho, President of Samsung Vietnam, and Mr. Nguyen Manh Hien sign a Memorandum of Understanding
Mr. Tran Tuan Anh, Minister of Ministry of Industry and Trade, Mr. Choi Joo Ho, President of Samsung Vietnam, and Mr. Nguyen Manh Hien sign a Memorandum of Understanding

Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Vuong Dinh Hue pays a visit to APH’s product stall
Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Vuong Dinh Hue pays a visit to APH’s product stall

An Phat Bioplastics Joint Stock Company announces 2020 Tet Holiday schedule

An Phat Xanh Bioplastics Joint Stock Company would like to send our Customers – Partners the 2020 Lunar New Year holiday schedule as follows:

Holiday time: From January 22nd, 2020 (28th December, lunar calendar) to the end of January 29th, 2020 (05th January, lunar calendar).

Resuming time: January 30th (05th January, lunar calendar).

Sincerely thank our customers and partners for your always trusting us.

Wish you all a happy and prosperous new year!